About Dr. Angelica Salazar MD

Women Reclaim their Health and Well-Being (with my help)

I support those who suffer, care for those in need, and evoke your inner strength and capacity toward healing. I offer the wisdom and tools to return to the joyful woman you were born to be.

Perhaps you have symptoms related to stress, fatigue, hormones, or other imbalances.  You want to feel better and restore your health.  Others have done it… you know it’s possible.

Yet even though you’re bright and self-motivated… vibrant health feels out of reach.

Perhaps a doctor prescribed pharmaceuticals; that at best masked your symptoms… or didn’t work at all – causing side effects. The truth is that within the average appointment time of such doctors (11 minutes), there is seldom time for much more than prescribing pharmaceuticals.

Then the various nutritional claims (vegan, vegetarian, Mediterranean, Paleo, etc); and the limitless nutritional supplements available.  It can seem complex and overwhelming.  Which path is best for you?

I am here to say: there is a science-based, proven medical approach that synergizes the best aspects of leading-edge modern medicine with natural healing modalities. It’s called Functional Medicine – the future of healthcare, available now.

Hi… I’m Dr. Angelica Salazar. I’ve struggled through all this before – both as a patient and a physician working in both conventional and alternative medicine.  I get it – and know how difficult it is to navigate… especially if you’re busy and have a family.

This is precisely what inspired me to branch out from my family practice physician path (MD) into Natural, Integrative, and especially Functional Medicine seven years ago. Functional Medicine resolves the root-cause of symptoms and disease (it doesn’t just mask the symptoms). For example: depression is not a Prozac deficiency. =) Root-cause often exists in the gut microbiome or other causes of systemic inflammation, such as environmental toxins.

To resolve the root cause, I apply a full-spectrum, high-resolution approach that harmonizes leading-edge modern medicine with natural healing modalities. For your initial visit, I will spend 3 hours evaluating your case using the science and evidence-based Functional Medicine approach.

Our goal is to help you find the energy, peace of mind, and resources to elevate yourself (and family) to the greatest good

Every epic journey begins with a single step. Let’s discover your ideal and personalized path back to health and well-being. Click below and let’s reclaim your health – starting today.

Our office is in Capitola, California (Santa Cruz area). Or let’s meet remotely via video-conference (anywhere in the US).


Education & Training:

  • Stanford University: Pre-Med – BS in Biological Sciences (2000)
  • Human Genome Project (2000 – 2002)
  • Master’s degree in Medical Sciences – Boston University (2005)
  • Medical Doctorate Degree – Boston University School of Medicine (2010)
  • Medical Residency Program – Natividad Medical Center (Monterey Bay – 2013)
  • Medical board certified in Family Practice (2013)
  • Medical board certified in Integrative Medicine (2014)
  • Kresser Institute for Functional Medicine (2016 – Present)
  • Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) – Fully certified physician practitioner.

Reclaim Your Health. Naturally.

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